Saturday, November 30, 2019

Ncert Class 12 Sociology Essay Example

Ncert Class 12 Sociology Essay Textbook of Sociology for Class XII SOCIAL CHANGE IN INDIA Textbook of Sociology for Class XII M. N. KARNA CONTENTS 1. Structural Processes of Change 2. Cultural Processes of Change 3. State and Social Change 4. Legislation and Democratic Decentralisation 5. Economic Development and Social Change 6. New Groups, Classes and Globalisation 7. Education and Social Change 8. Mass Media and Cultural Change 9. Dissent and Social Change 10. Social Deviance 1 14 25 36 47 57 69 77 86 99 STRUCTURAL PROCESSES OF CHANGE 1 CHAPTER 1 Structural Process of Change Change is a fact of human life. We may not be aware of it in our day-to-day experience but it continues to affect us in one way or the other. A hundred and thousand years might be a moment in the life of rocks and mountains but in human society changes take place in the course of merely a generation or two. Think of a situation in which your grandmother was living in a village where a large number of family members were staying together in one household. She had to maintain purdah and was not allowed to come out of the four walls of the house till she had become old. Now compare it with the condition of your mother. We will write a custom essay sample on Ncert Class 12 Sociology specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Ncert Class 12 Sociology specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Ncert Class 12 Sociology specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Do you not find a change in the structure of your own family, now when only a few members are staying together ? Your uncle is living in another household with his wife and children. Likewise, your grandfather was an agriculturist but your father might have shifted to the urban area to take up a job in a government office. You will notice several corresponding changes even in the life-style of your own family. These alterations have occurred merely in a generation or two. A close look will reveal changes both in the structure and function of family and in patterns of occupations. It is this dimension of change that we intend to study in the present course. Our focus will be on the nature and extent of social change in contemporary Indian society. The study of social change in India is important for several reasons. It tells us how contemporary Indian society is transforming from a traditional society to a modern developed society. It shows how changes are occurring in our social institutions and what are the factors bringing about such changes. It also indicates our achievements as a nation and identifies problems and setbacks in certain areas of our life. Social change is a process, in the sense that it involves a series of events over a period of time. The idea of continuity is implied in it and shows a sequence of operations that bring about change. Thus, the notion of process indicates two major dimensions of social change—its nature and direction. While the nature of change reveals content of change, the direction speaks about the line in which it is moving. We intend to 2 SOCIAL CHANGE IN INDIA discuss here both the substance and the factors of change. Sociologists in India have analysed the process of social change under two broad categories—structural processes and cultural processes. Structural processes of change are due to a transformation in the network of social relationships. Caste, kinship, family and occupational groups constitute some of the structural realities. Change in these relationships is a structural change. When the traditional agrarian system based on family labour is transformed into agrarian system based on hired labour with a view to produce for the market, we may call it a structural change. The transfor mation of joint family to nuclear family brings about change in structure and function of family. It is through the process of differentiation of roles that structural change takes place. To put it differently, role of a social institution changes due to specific sequence of events making it more effective in the changed situation. In fact, structural differentiation of roles leads to functional specialisation. Reverting to our earlier example, in addition to procreation and rearing of children, joint family performed numerous roles in traditional society in the fields of education, occupation and social security . But after its transformation into nuclear family most of these functions have been taken over by specialised agencies such as schools, economic organisations, government departments and other institutions. Structural change as a result of role differentiation is noticed in almost all domains of social life. You are already familiar with the factors of social change. Therefore, we shall focus on structural processes of social change namely, industrialisation, Westernisation and modernisation. INDUSTRIALISATION Science is an important element of human heritage that produces a systematic knowledge of nature. Technology, on the other hand, is that element which contains the application of this knowledge. In this sense, technology has a utilitarian goal. It has developed mainly due to a desire to apply it for the advantage of common people. This goal has been realised in almost every sphere—industry, agriculture, transport, communication and such other areas. The rapid changes that we experience in our dayto-day life are related to the development of new techniques, new inventions and new modes of production. The application of modern technology in industry has influenced not only our economic life but also our social and cultural system. Industrialisation is a process of technological advancement from domestic production with simple tools to large-scale factory based production. However, sociologically, the term implies a process of economic and social changes arising out of the change in the structure of industry. Industrialisation involves a broad range of social factors that deeply affect the character of social STRUCTURAL PROCESSES OF CHANGE 3 life. For instance, factories give rise to elaborate division of labour, new work culture, etc. Industrialisation in India A wide network of domestic and cottage industries was existing in India even prior to British colonial rule. But modern large-scale industry came only during the later part of the nineteenth century after the Industrial Revolution in Europe. Between the 1850’s when the first major industries started, and 1914 India had established the world’s largest jute manufacturing industry, the fifth largest cotton textile industry and the third largest railway network. In this manner, India had almost a century of industrial development on the eve of the independence. After independence, the pace of industrialisation was significantly accelerated during the periods of FiveYear Plans. It saw the expansion and diversification of the industrial structure with the establishment of several new units. In 1951, there were only two major units producing iron and steel. The number of such major steel plants increased to six by 1980s with the installed capacity of 80 lakh tonnes. The country has made considerable progress in the field of new industries, agricultural tractors, electronics, fertiliser etc. , which were practically nonexistent in 1951. The textile industry is no longer confined to cotton and jute textiles but to a large number of units producing different types of synthetic fibres. An important feature of industrial growth after independence has been the rapid expansion of the public sector enterprises. These produce diverse products such as steel, coal, heavy and light engineering goods, locomotives, aircraft, petroleum products and fertilizers. A brief sketch of industrial growth in India may give us an idea of the extent of industrialisation that has taken place in the country since attaining independence. Social Consequences of Industrialisation We may now turn our attention to the economic and social consequences of industrialisation. Our economic life has witnessed tremendous structural change in the wake of industrialisation. Production has been brought substantially to the factory. Elaborate division of labour, pecialisation of tasks and the growth of a class of industrial workers have resulted from changes in the industrial system. Similarly, the nature of agricultural production has also changed because of change in agricultural practices. With the alteration in agricultural practices, alterations have also occurred in agrarian relations and the life-styles of farm househo lds. Moreover, industrialisation has changed the family mode of production and women are increasingly found in farms, firms and factories to perform different tasks. The new economic role has placed women in the new 4 SOCIAL CHANGE IN INDIA nvironment where they experience a changed social status. This new role of women in turn has brought greater participation of women in decision making in the family. These changes have occurred due to occupational diversification that has been brought about by industrialisation. For example, it cannot be expected that all working members of a family will get jobs in similar occupations and professions and will be posted at the same place. One member, for example, may be engaged in the cultivation of family land in Uttar Pradesh and the other may take up an employment as an engineer in Chennai. Under these circumstances, the break-up of a joint family into small nuclear families is natural. Such structural changes are also accompanied by functional distinctive-ness. For example, the traditional joint family as mentioned earlier, was a multifunctional institution. It had innumerable economic, educational, recreational, socialisational and biological functions. Now, except for the biological and socialisational functions of the family, most of the other functions have been taken over by formal economic organisations, associations and the state. Development of transport and communication have resulted in far reaching consequences. Railways, automobiles and marine transportations have not only increased spatial mobility but have also quickened the rate of internal and external migration. A large number of people are migrating from rural to urban areas to take up new occupations. Similarly, both skilled and unskilled women and men are travelling out of the country in search of better careers. Changes are also witnessed in the system of social stratification. Significant changes are observed in the case of caste system, which is an important structural reality of Indian social system. The separation between caste and occupation is a significant change that has taken place. The occupational diversification has made several occupations ‘caste free’. It is, however, more in towns than in villages and even greater in the large industrialised cities. A considerable number of people located earlier at the lower levels of caste hierarchy and engaged in caste-based occupations are now entering into new occupations. Likewise, castes considered higher in the hierarchy are coming forward for occupations not preferred earlier. The members of lower castes dispensed with traditional occupations primarily because they were considered ‘impure’ and were endowed with low status besides being less profitable. On the other hand, members of upper castes such as Brahmin, Rajput and Kayasth in North India were compelled to take up work like manual labourers, peons in offices and such other low status jobs. In addition to modifications in occupational structure and mobility, changes are seen in the inter-caste power structure. We have so far analysed the socio-economic consequences of STRUCTURAL PROCESSES OF CHANGE 5 industrialisation but we should not overlook one basic fact in this regard. The way in which a society responds to the industrial changes depends on its own creative genius and social environment. We, therefore, find a substantial difference between one society and another in the degree to which changes take place as a result of industrialisation. impersonal. The relationship is based on a complex division of labour and is contractual in nature. Urbanisation in India India is a land of villages and will remain so for decades to come. However, it does not mean that cities have been absent from this vast sub-continent. Existence of cities in India can be traced back to as early as third millennium B . C . Archeological excavations reveal older traces of urbanisation. Historians tell us that a truly urban civilisation emerged in the Indus Valley with Mohenjodaro and Harappa as important urban centres. In addition to these two cities, several other urban settlements such as Kalibangan in northern Rajasthan, Lothal in Gujarat and Banwali in Haryana also emerged as the major centres. In the subsequent period, urbanisation was not confined to a particular area. This phase of urbanisation finds mention in the postVedic literature in the north and Sangam literature in the south. The Buddhist texts also mention the existence of the urban centres. Furthermore, urbanisation during the medieval times was spread out from Srinagar in the north to Madurai in the south. This period was marked more by the revival of old cities than the establishment of new cities and towns. These preindustrial cities, however, existed primarily as centres of pilgrimage, as royal capitals and as trading centres. Cities with modern industrial character grew in India only after the URBANISATION Urbanisation is a process by which people instead of living in villages start living in towns and cities. It involves a mode by which agriculture-based habitat is transformed into nonagricultural urban habitat. The growth of urban centres is the result of accelerated industrial and service functions. An increase in the size of towns and cities leading to growth of urban population is the most significant dimension of urbanisation. These centres are essentially non-agricultural in character. Urbanisation as a structural process of change is related to industrialisation but it is not always the result of industrialisation. In certain cases, urbanisation has taken place even without industrialisation. Industrialisation is always connected with economic growth but we cannot say the same about urbanisation. Urban environment produces a particular kind of social life which Lois Wirth, a core member of the Chicago School, calls urbanism. Social life in cities is more formal and 6 SOCIAL CHANGE IN INDIA contact with the West. The process of urbanisation was accelerated during the British colonial regime. The British Indian administration promoted urbanisation on a large scale. The major port towns of Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai owe their beginning, growth and importance to the colonial efforts. Similarly, regional summer capitals were established in remote mountainous areas like Srinagar, Shillong and Shimla. The princely states did not develop as fast but even they had capital towns. Some of the princely states like Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur and Mysore had population exceeding one lakh. The urban scenario changed remarkably after independence. The proportion of urban population to the total population increased from 17. 6 per cent in 1951 to 25. 7 per cent in 1991. The number of cities with population of one million or more increased from 5 to 23 during the same period. According to the census of 2001 urban population stands at 27. 78 per cent and number of cities having population more than one million has increased to 35. The noteworthy growth of urban population after independence has been largely due to the rapid increase in population, ruralurban migration, city-centred industrialisation and the over all neglect of villages. The emerging trends of urbanisation in India reveal that urban migration is fairly significant. A large number of people from rural areas are shifting not only to big cities but even to medium-sized cities and small towns. Distance is not a barrier. One readily finds villagers moving from farflung areas of north Indian state to the cities in south India. Migrants are mainly employed in manufacturing and service occupations. Besides, the seasonal migration of unskilled labourers, too, has become common. We find labourers from Andhra Pradesh, Bihar and Orissa working in agricultural farms of Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh. Labourers begin with seasonal migration and later on start settling permanently in areas of their choice. Social Effects of Urbanisation Let us now turn to the social effects of accelerated urbanisation. Urbanisation has altered the structure of joint family as a result of occupational diversification. Consequently, the functions of family and kinship have declined considerably. The traditional family norms are relaxed and interpersonal relationships have become more formal. An urban child now grows within much smaller world. No kinsmen are available in nuclear family to take care of her/ him. The child has to select playmates outside the family. In this manner, the child develops a new type of personality characterised by ideas of freedom and innovation. Such a situation is remarkably different from the environment of dependence found in a joint family. The nature of love and affection in interpersonal relationship has also changed. While children and STRUCTURAL PROCESSES OF CHANGE 7 their mothers receive considerable attention, sentiments and attachment towards other relatives have weakened. Likewise, the division of domestic duties between wife and husband is changing in the urban settings. They both share domestic duties, as there is no other adult member available to share the burden. Thus, social life in urban areas faces isolation due to diminishing kinship obligations. Several ties that formerly bound members of the family to group and community life are now broken. Consequently, the quality of human relationships tends to become more formal and impersonal. Another visible change is in the domain of caste identity. Urban dwellers participate in networks that include persons of several castes. Individual achievement and modern status symbols have become more important than caste identity. Caste norms are not strictly maintained which is manifest in commensal relations, marital alliances and in occupational relations. It is, thus, possible to suggest that urban way of life has made people think more as individuals than as members of a particular caste. The importance of ascription as the basis of social status is declining and the significance of achievement is taking its place. The level of education, nature of occupation and the level of income are now major indicators of one’s achievement in an urban setup. Therefore, people recognise education, occupation and income as prerequisites for higher ocial status. It does not mean that the achieved status has completely replaced ascribed status and class has fully overshadowed caste. It is, however, necessary to clarify that changes brought about by urbanisation have not altogether replaced the traditional patterns of family, kinship and caste. They go through adaptations and their functions are not completely erod ed. Urban Problems We have already seen how urbanisation is proceeding at a considerable pace in India. It has affected different domains of people’s life. The expansion of urban centres has also given rise to a variety of problems. The physical space is dingy, quality of life is poor and urban governance is unimaginative. Overcrowding and pollution, sub-standard housing and slums, crime and delinquency, alcoholism and drug abuse are a few of them. We shall discuss some of them which have far reaching consequences for the country. Urban overcrowding is the result of the massive size of India’s urban population. Its impact is visible in declining services in the areas of housing, water supply, sanitation, transport, power supply and employment opportunity. Increasing number of homeless people, high rate of rent and a scramble for the few available houses are commonly found in most of the cities and towns. The density of urban population in India works out to be around 3, 500 persons 8 SOCIAL CHANGE IN INDIA per square kilometre in 1991. This is more than the accepted norm of 400 per square kilometre. Thus, urban areas have more people than they can support with the available infrastructure. Related to the problem of housing and overcrowding is the problem of slums. The slum is an area of dingy neglected houses where people live in poverty without minimum civic amenities. The estimates of India’s urban population living in slums vary widely. However, according to an estimate, not less than 45 million people were living in slums in 1995 and as the urban population is increasing fast, their number must have had increased by now. It is said that the Indian population living in slums is more than the total population of about 107 countries of the world. Generally, the larger a city, the more the people live in slums. Naturally, metros like Mumbai, Delhi and Kolkata have more slums than the small and medium size towns. In 1991, slum-dwellers formed 45 per cent of the population in Mumbai, 44 per cent in Delhi and 42 per cent in Kolkata. The situation is no better in other metropolises like Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ahmadabad etc. In reality, the problems of slums are multiplying in the wake of city’s incapacity to meet the rising demands of growing population. Pollution is another major problem of cities. There are several sources of rising pollution. Cities discharge 40 to 60 per cent of their entire sewage and industrial effluents into the adjoining rivers. The smaller towns ump garbage and excreta into the nearest waterways through their open drains. Likewise, urban industries pollute the atmosphere with smoke and gases from their old chimneys. Vehicular emission in Delhi accounts for 64 per cent of its air pollution. In fact, Delhi has the dubious distinction of being one of the most polluted cities in the world. The poison that we put in the environment comes back to us through air , water and food. It gradually causes diseases and disorders making life miserable and hazardous. The issue of environmental pollution in urban areas has been recognised and steps have been taken to ease the situation. Even the Supreme Court of India intervened and ordered closure of polluting industrial units in Delhi. Recently, the use of nonpolluting Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) has been made mandatory for buses and three-wheelers in Delhi as per the order of the Supreme Court. There are a number of other problems faced by urban centres which are not discussed here for the sake of brevity. Important among them are the problems of urban poverty, urban planning and urban governance. MODERNISATION Modernisation is both an idea and a process. As it is an idea, there is no agreement among social scientists on its meaning and interpretation. In the decades after the Second World War it was believed in industrial capitalist STRUCTURAL PROCESSES OF CHANGE 9 countries such as Britain and the United States that the key to economic development in the Third World was modernisation. The concept of modernisation, thus, emerged as an explanation of how these societies developed through capitalism. By providing such an explanation Western scholars desired to convince the underdeveloped countries like India that economic development was possible under capitalism. According to this approach, modernisation depends primarily on introduction of technology and the knowledge required to make use of it. Besides, several social and political prerequisites have been identified to make modernisation possible. Some of these prerequisites are: 1. increased levels of education, 2. development of mass media, 3. accessible transport and communication, 4. democratic political institutions, 5. more urban and mobile population, 6. nuclear family in place of extended family, 7. complex division of labour, 8. declining public influence of religion, and; 9. eveloped markets for exchange of goods and services in place of traditional ways of meeting such needs. Modernisation is, thus, supposed to be the result of the presence of these prerequisites in the social system. It is clear that the term modernisation has been used here in a very broad sense. We, therefore, find different views about the scope and area to be covered by the concept of modernisation. Some soc iologists limit modernisation to its structural aspect, others emphasise its cultural dimension. A few studies highlight the issue of political modernisation and still others analyse its psychological meaning. Of course, the treatment of the concept in terms of it being a process of social change is found in Learner’s writing. Daniel Lerner in his essay on ‘Modernisation’, included in Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences, explains modernisation in these words: â€Å"Modernisation is the current term for an old process — the process of social change whereby less developed societies acquired characteristics common to more developed societies. † He further writes, â€Å"Modernisation, therefore, is the process of social change in which development is the economic component. Obviously this understanding of the term corresponds with the meaning which we have given to the term at the beginning of our discussion. Accordingly, modernisation is a process of change, which takes a country from underdevelopment to development. It produces social environment for economic development. The growth in industrialisation, urbanisation, national income and per capita income are taken as criteria of development. However, while accepting the economic criteria of development, some sociologists have added non-economic 10 SOCIAL CHANGE IN INDIA riteria to judge development. They argue that rising output alone is not sufficient to assess the level of development. A society has to move from rising output to self-sustaining growth. Therefore, non-economic criteria such as the level of education, function of media, growth of communication and social norms conducive to change have to be taken into consideration. The meaning of modernisation given above incorporates primarily, structural aspects of change. In other words, with modernisation structural transformation takes place in economy, polity and social institutions. It is to be noted here that the concept of modernisation has also been explained in cultural terms. In this sense, modernisation implies change in values and attitudes. Modernity involves values and norms that are universal in nature. Explaining this aspect of moder nisation Yogendra Singh suggests that modernisation implies a rational attitude towards issues and their evaluation from a universal viewpoint. Thus, technological advancement and economic growth are not the sole criterion to judge the level of modernisation of a society. The commitment to scientific world-view and humanistic ideas are equally important. Moreover, the idea of modernisation has also been analysed in terms of the paired concepts of tradition and modernity. It has been argued that modernity stands as opposite of tradition. In this sense, all the underdeveloped societies are characterised as traditional and the developed societies as modern. Modernisation, thus, implies a change from tradition to modernity. Change occurs, according to this view, in predictable direction. In other words, in order to modernise, every society has to follow the same direction and adopt a similar path. All the existing values and structures have to be replaced by the new values and structures. Nonetheless, sociologists from the developing countries are critical of this understanding of modernisation. They maintain that modernisation does not stand as a polar opposite to tradition. Traditional values and institutions are not necessarily discarded while taking up new values in the process of change. Society adopts new values because they are considered more efficient and rewarding. In view of this, these sociologists hold that modernisation would develop typical forms in different societies. Patterns of modernisation, thus, may vary from society to society. The discussion shows that processes of modernisation involve both structural and cultural dimensions. However, given the present context, we shall deal with modernisation primarily as a structural process of change. Modernisation in India Some sociologists make a distinction between social change and modernisation in order to assess the nature of change in the traditional Indian society. Though, social change occurred in traditional India, it was essentially pre-modern in nature. One STRUCTURAL PROCESSES OF CHANGE 11 raditional institution was just replaced by the other and no basic structural change took place in social system and culture. Historically, modernisation in India started from the establishment of the British rule and has continued even after independence. The nature and direction of modernisation during these two phases have been different. Therefore, it is appropriate to examine the processes of moderni sation under two distinct phases — the colonial phase and the post-colonial phase. As has been mentioned earlier, modernisation in India commenced after the arrival of the British rule. The contact with the West brought about far reaching changes in social structure and cultural institutions. Changes were witnessed in almost all important areas of life. The British administration introduced new arrangements in legal, agrarian, educational and administrative domains. Most of these led to structural modernisation. For instance, the bureaucratic system of administration and judiciary introduced by them were based on modern rational norms, which replaced the traditional Indian legal norms, based on the principle of hierarchy and ascription. A similar transformation took place in the system of education and agrarian structure. The Western system of education was introduced towards the middle of the nineteenth century and expanded significantly thereafter. New patter ns of land settlements such as Zamindari, Raiyatwari and Mahalwari covering the whole of British India resulted in systematisation of revenue administration. Some other areas experiencing modernising trends were industrialisation, urbanisation, transport and communication, army and the emergence of industrial working class and so forth. The emergence and growth of a nationalist political leadership was also the result of growing modernisation of Indian society. In fact, the nationalist leadership became so strong towards the early part of the twentieth century that freedom movement itself generated a new culture of modernisation. It is apparent from the above that the colonial phase of modernisation created a wide network of structure and culture which was modern and had an all-India appeal. However, it is important to point out here that during the colonial phase the local regional structures of family, caste and village community remained more or less unaffected by the forces of modernisation. At these levels, the British, by and large, followed a policy of least interference. Consequently, we do not find much change in the structures of family, caste and village. Let us, now, briefly examine the process of modernisation in the postcolonial India. Modernisation process has undergone some fundamental changes after the Independence. Every domain of social system is under the active influence of modernising process. Modernisation has, now, become an integral part of the developmental strategy. 12 SOCIAL CHANGE IN INDIA The political system has assumed a new shape after the adoption of a parliamentary form of government based on adult franchise. Political parties have emerged as powerful organs of the system. Thus, democratic political structure has effectively led to increasing political consciousness among people. The process of politicisation has, further, been accelerated through the Panchayati Raj institutions. The foundations of traditional family structure have come under the influence of legal reforms in marriage and inheritance. The family introduced egalitarian norms in family leading to raised status of women. Similarly, caste has assumed new functional roles. It has acquired an associational character. New consciousness has emerged among dalits. Increasing role of caste in politics is a pointer to this trend. Moreover, land reforms, too, have brought structural transformation in agrarian social structure. However, it is pertinent to call attention to the fact that modernisation in India has not been a uniformly progressive movement. Two crucial issues may be pointed out in this regard. First, in the process of modernisation several traditional institutions and activities have been reinforced. For example, religious pre

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Marx based his ideas on the past history of societies. The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle. Marx theorizes that throughout history there has been and will be a constant opposition between the oppressor and the oppressed. As opposed to past feudal societies with complicated class structures, Marx indicates that there is now a more simplified class structure, as society is increasingly splitting into two classes: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The bourgeoisie was essentially the middle-class before the Industrial Revolution. With the Industrial Revolution and the replacement of manufacture with Modern Industry, the middle-class became industrial millionaires. Basically, the bourgeoisie owned the factories and the proletarians were the factory workers. Marxs theory is that in a capitalistic society there will always be a struggle between the classes because there is always one class who is receiving more than the othe!r. The prolet arians, although they perform the majority of the work, receive the least. On the other hand, the bourgeoisie become wealthy, and do little work. Therefore, in a capitalistic society, this opposition will either result in a revolutionary reconstruction of society or in the class ruin. The only way to end this struggle was to eliminate the class system. Marx rationalized that poverty was the result of private property and that no one class should have control over the production of goods, ownership of land and management of funds. Marx states that a capitalistic society is merely a society that justifies the exploitation of the working class. If there are no classes, than everyone is equal and there exists no one class to exploit

Friday, November 22, 2019

Tips and Examples About Asking for Information in English

Tips and Examples About Asking for Information in English Asking for information can be as simple as asking for the time, or as complicated as asking for details about a complicated process. In both cases, its important to use the appropriate form for  the situation. For example, when asking for information from a friend, use a more informal or colloquial  form. When asking a colleague, use a slightly more formal form, and when asking for information from a stranger, use an appropriately formal construction. Very Informal Structures If you are asking a friend  or family member for information, use a direct question. Simple Question Structure: Wh? Helping Verb Subject Verb How much does it cost?Where does she live? More Formal Structures Use these forms for simple, everyday questions in stores, with colleagues at work, and in other informal situations. Structure: Pardon me / Excuse me   Can / Could you tell me Wh? Subject verb? Can you tell me when the train arrives?Pardon me, could you tell me how much the book costs? Formal and More Complicated Questions Use these forms when asking complicated questions that require a lot of information. These should also be used when asking questions of important people such as your boss, on a job interview, etc. Structure: I wonder if you could tell me/explain/provide information on... I wonder if you could explain how health insurance is handled at your company.I wonder if you could provide information on your pricing structure. Structure: Would you mind verb ing   Would you mind telling me a little bit more about benefits at this company?Would you mind going over the savings plan again? Replying to a Request for Information If you would like to provide information when asked for information, start your reply with one of the following phrases. Informal Sure.No problem.Let me see. More Formal Id be happy to answer that.I should be able to answer your question.Itd be a pleasure to help you. When providing information people will sometimes also offer to help in other ways. See the example conversations below for an example. Saying No If you do not have the answer to a request for information, use one of the phrases below to indicate that you are unable to answer the question.  Saying no, is never fun, but sometimes its necessary. Instead, its common to offer a suggestion as to where someone might find the information. Informal Sorry, I cant help you out.Sorry, but I dont know that.Thats beyond me, sorry. More Formal Im afraid I dont have the answer to that question.Id like to help you. Unfortunately, I dont have that information / dont know. Role Play Exercises   Simple Situation Brother: When does the movie start?Sister: I think its at 8.Brother: Check, will you?Sister: Youre so lazy. Just a second.Brother: Thanks, sis.Sister: Yes, it starts at 8. Get off the couch sometimes! Customer: Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find menswear?Shop Assistant: Sure. Menswear is on the second floor.Customer: Oh, also, could you tell me where sheets are.Shop Assistant: No problem, sheets are on the third floor at the back.Customer: Thanks for your help.Shop Assistant: My pleasure. More Complex or Formal Situation Man: Excuse me, would you mind answering some questions?Business Colleague: Id be happy to help.Man: I wonder if you could tell me when the project is going to begin.Business Colleague: I believe were beginning the project next month.Man: and who will be responsible for the project.Business Colleague: I think Bob Smith is in charge of the project.Man: OK, finally, would you mind telling me how much the estimated cost will be?Business Colleague: Im afraid I cant answer that. Perhaps you should speak to my director.Man: Thank you. I thought you might say that. Ill speak to Mr. Anders.Business Colleague: Yes, that would be best for that type of information. Man: Thank you for helping out.Business Colleague: My pleasure.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Comparing two electroinics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Comparing two electroinics - Essay Example Therefore, this paper aims at contrasting the two devices in order to make a good decision of the favorable electronic to buy. The both devices have similar Bluetooth capabilities, memory, and hard drive (Miser 5). They have internal wireless LAN cards of 802.11, with the same speed at ay given distances, although the MacBook has connections that are more reliable. In addition, the Vaio sonny consumes a lot of power, as compared to Apple Mac book pro since it has NVIDIA Card that generates a lot of heat. Fortunately, Vaio sonny has two graphic cards NVIDIA and Intel while Apple Mac book pro has only Intel GMA 950. In terms of software comparison, the Vaio sonny uses Windows XP while MacBook have both OSX10.4.8 through a BootCamp And can be set to boot with Win XP. The OS X is more stable that Win XP (Warren, web). In conclusion, if I were to select one device from the two, I would buy a MacBook since it is more favorable to my requirements. It will be supportive to my travel since it saves energy, have connection that is more reliable in many environmental areas (Barr 10-30). The selection is guided by my purpose for the device, although the Vaio Sony has more features than MacBook, but is unfavorable for travelling

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Idea Behind All Power to The Soviets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Idea Behind All Power to The Soviets - Essay Example In relation to the viewpoint of Trotsky in ‘Results and Prospects’ identified in the ‘Preface to the Re-Issue of this Work,’ the uprising characters in the Russian Revolution was the most prominent question in terms of forming ideological trends and building a strong movement group upholding the political organizations in the movement. The uprising character in the Russian Revolution had also stirred towards serious contentions from the perspective of social-democratic movement, which further turned into a practical character. Kautsky also realizes that the differences amidst the uprising characters and disagreements of the social-democratic movements had shaped two central movement trends, namely the Menshevism and Bolshevism. In relation to the viewpoint of Menshevism, the revolution was being shaped as a bourgeois movement by transferring adequate power to the bourgeoisie and form conditional aspects for ‘parliamentarism’ of the bourgeois. On the other hand, in a Bolshevism standpoint, the strong establishment of the democratic republic through proletariat and peasantry dictatorship was the prominent object in the form of ‘all power to the Soviets.’ The Bolshevism viewpoint regarding the statement is formed due to the inability of the bourgeois as the uprising character in the revolution.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Oedipus Rex Essay Example for Free

Oedipus Rex Essay Oedipus Rex was written during the fifth century. A time when Rome was in power and Athens was the center of the world. In this time people beleived that gods controlled all. Fate and destiny could never be escaped and as is shown in this play, no one can change their own destiny. The fact that this play takes place in less than one days time means that many desicions are made in a rash and uninformed fashion. After finding out that his destiny has been fulffiled Oedipus blinds himself out of pain and the wish that he would never look upon the misery and horror that he himself has unknowingly created. The play is set in Thebes, recently a great powerfull city, but has been stuck by sickness and death. Most of the action takes place within the coutyard of the Kings palace. This setting represents power and arrogance. The fact that Oedipus does not go to anyone, everyone, including his wife comes to him suggests this arrogance. He still fears the destiny foretold to him, but he beleives that he can change that destiny by staying away from his family. Pg. 59 line 360 tells of this fear and belief. As, that I should lie with my own mother, breed children from whom all men would turn their eyes; And that I should be my fathers murderer. I heard all this, and fled. And from that day Corinth to me was ony in the stars. Descending in that quarter of the sky, as I wandered farther and farther on my way to a land where I should never see the evil sung by the oracle. Most other men in this time would except their fate, but his arrogance will not let him. His beleif that he can cheat fate is ultimatly what is destroying the people of Thebes. Oedipuss family is a complicated tangle of lies made by people who also tried to cheat fate. The family that he beleives is his own in fact is not. The fact that he is even alive to recieve this family is not supposed to be. He left his adoptive parents never to return once he learned of his destiny thinking that he could prevent this from comming true. He denied to himself the knowledge that these were not his real parents. This is told on Pg. 59 line 345 At a feast, a drunken man maundering in his cups cries out that I am not my fathers son. I contained myself that night, thought I felt anger and a sinking heart. This tells me that in his heart he knew that it was a true statement but could not admit it to himself. His true father was Liaos, King of Thebes. Liaos had been told of his fate by the oracle that he would be killed by his own son. So like father like son, Liaos also tried to cheat fate as told by Iokoste on Pg. 59 line 260 But his child had not been three days in this world before the King had pierced the babys ankles and left him to die on a lonely mountainside. Oedipus celebrated the death of his father and therefore his succesfull escape from the prophesies of the oracle. But as he was told this news he was also told again that he was not his fathers son. The messenger on Pg 62 line 137 states Polybos is not your. father. This conversation continues on to tell the tale of how he was found as a child by a shepard with his ankles bound by a skewer. Polybos who had no children took in this baby as his own. This is when Oedipus finally starts to reallize that he was Liaoss son but he will not accept it until he confirms this with the shepard who had found him. Iokaste, his wife obviously realizes that his destiny has become fullfilled and that she is not only his wife but his mother as well. She is angry and wishes that Oedipus will not know the truth of his parentage. She states on PG. 62 line 217. You are fatally wrong! May you never learn who you are! But as oedipus speaks with the shepherd he learns again of his horrible fate. on Pg 64 beginning at line 110 Oedipus finally admits to himself after being told numerous times that he has already unknowingly fufilled his own destiny. Shepherd : For if you are what this man says you are, no man living is more wretched and oedipus. Oedipus: Ah God! It is true! All the prophecies! Now, O light , may I look on you for the last time! I, Oedipus, Oedipus, damned in his birth, in his marriage, damned, damned in the blood he shed with his own hand!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Manpower v. Monster :: essays research papers

The two job based Internet websites I choose to research were and www. claims to be the largest and most comprehensive job search engine on the World Wide Web. Jeff Taylor, who is the CEO, founded the company in 1994. is a public company and is traded on the NASDAQ under the ticker symbol (MNST). The company also has twenty-three sites in countries around the world.’s website is very user friendly, it is very easy to navigate through the site to find what you are looking for. One of the great benefits about is their career advice section. The section provides job seekers valuable information such as, resume tips, interviewing tools, expert advice on salaries in different careers, message boards for networking with employers and others job seekers, and also relocating tools such as moving advice and home mortgage quotes. Furthermore, also provides specialized advice and job searches in different industries from healthcare to government positions. Also, provides job searches for special interests such as military and volunteer work. One of the many things that I find interesti ng about is that they offer free fax numbers, free newsletters regarding current issues/news on different careers, a print center to make business cards, letterheads, and even address labels where as does not provide these services. does allow users with current accounts to post resumes on the website for potential employers to search. I performed a mock job search and was impressed by not having to register to just search the database where as many companies require setting up a username and password just to search. allows job seekers to perform simple or advanced job searches, where you can enter key words, wage options such as, hourly or salary, or specific city locations to narrow your search. Another great advantage I believe that has over Manpower is their Monster Learning Center where the public can find degree programs at local college and also online universities. was established in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1948. Manpower is considered to be the world leader in the employment services industry. The company provides permanent, temporary and contract recruitment, training, financial services, and organizational consulting to businesses as well as job seekers. Manpower has offices in Canada, France, and the United Kingdom. There are 4, 300 offices in 67 different countries and territories with 27, 000 employees worldwide as of 2004.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Racism and Prejudice

Racism and Prejudice It is undeniable that in deed race matters. The four selections in this chapter and the Linda Lin article, talk about different kinds of racism and prejudice, all of them true and all of them equally detrimental. I think this country is far from being perfect and from not having racism or prejudice problems. Nevertheless, is undeniable that it has come a long way (President Obama) since the time of slavery and more recently Jim Crowe laws and the harassment that was brought against blacks.Later, recognized as the solution needed to afford minorities’ equal opportunities both in work and in school, Affirmative Action, was hailed as the leveler of the field. There certainly is no doubt that in the 1960's at the epicenter of the civil rights movement, that the government had an obligation to pass legislation aimed at equalizing the races on at least a social level. The question now has become whether or not Affirmative Action has passed its time. Does this on ce very necessary legislation now in today's society do more harm than good?There is all kind of racism if you include prejudice too. It has been going on since beginning of time. Maybe it is sometimes a person's own insecurity that makes them think everything is attributed to race. The truth is that each group tends to be prejudiced against the other. Some are angry because some people lay around and collect government money and some are angry because they blame another class for what they cannot achieve, or for past mistakes made some hundreds of years ago.I think far too many of us speak of equality and hope, yet secretly rationalize hate, based on little more than stereotypes and stories of atrocities that happened generations ago. Sadly, this is still a racist culture. The question is not â€Å"Am I a racist? † The question is â€Å"To what degree am I a racist? † â€Å"To what degree am I aware of my racism? † The selection from Jana Noel made me think abo ut those questions.At first I thought I am not a prejudice person and I am not racist, then I thought of little things I have done and indeed I do engage in racist behaviors like I find myself at a higher level of alertness when I am outdoors at night in the vicinity of a man of African descent. Behaviors like that are considered â€Å"micro insults. † I am more mindful of them now. However, unfortunately I acknowledge that I still engage in these barely conscious behaviors. Reading Noel I can associate the way my prejudice was form with the social control theory.There is no other explanation why I would react like that. That is certainly not something that my parents taught me. Most White Americans will tell you, that they are not racist individuals. Nevertheless, if you could delve deeper into their minds, you would discover that many of them have reasons that they believe justifies racism. Among those reasons or excuses, we found the reverse discrimination of Affirmative A ction, ignorance of other races and cultures, and the belief in the need for retribution for past injustices.Whites in America should start by admit the reality and begin to work under the assumption that this is a racist society. As we read in McIntosh and Sleeter articles, the white people in the United States have benefited from the structure of racism, whether or not they have ever committed a racist act, uttered a racist word, or had a racist thought. The same way minorities suffer in a white society because they are Black, Hispanics, Asian, Jewish, etc, Whites benefit because they are White. These minorities have grown up with racism and prejudice.One of the most difficult tasks in life to accomplish is to overcome the core fundamental principles that you are taught as a child. A child who grows up witnessing racism, as a way of life, is likely to become a racist adult. The world, in which we all live, is the same society in which our children and our children's children will one day be. It is our duty as parents and teachers to see that future generations have the best opportunity at thriving in an equal world. Only through tolerance and understanding can we ensure equality for all in this country.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Animal Farm-Power Corrpts Essay

Animal Farm is an allegorical novel about the Russian Revolution and the resulting political system of the Soviet Union. Through this story which appears to be a simple fable on the surface, we see George Orwell’s beliefs about the nature of power and its seemingly inevitable corruption of noble ideas. Educated authority figures in the book bend the principles of communism to suit their own selfish needs and desires, all the while taking advantage of the uneducated masses, and easily manipulated them through propaganda and persuasion. Through this allegory of communism turned to totalitarianism, Orwell explores the dangers of a political system where leaders have no sense of social responsibility toward their subjects. The first instance of corruption among the ruling class appears shortly after the revolution. The pigs, the new rulers of Animal Farm after the ousting of the tyrant farmer Jones, milk the cows to relieve them from of their discomfort. The animals, remembering how Jones would mix some of the milk into their mash, look forward to at least similar treatment from the pigs. However, the milk soon disappears and it is discovered later that the pigs have mixed it into their own mash without sharing it with the other animals, just as the windfall apples have been consumed exclusively by the pigs. Squealer, the political propagandist for the pigs, justifies this to the other animals by saying that the pigs need the extra brain energy, and then bolsters his argument with some fear mongering: â€Å" Do you know what would happen if w pigs failed in our duty? Jones would be back!† (32). The fact that this incident occurs so quickly after the revolution and at a time when all of the pigs are still present on the farm shows Orwell’s belief that the corruption is not only inevitable in a society where the ruling sector of the population is so much better educated than the rest, but that all of these members of the ruling class were potentially corruptible. As the story moves on Orwell shows us how power is corrupting more. Another of the major instance that occurs after the milk and apples is the ruling class moving in the farmhouse. As the commandment says no animal shall sleep in a bed. Some of the other animals were confused but as usual squealer came with his propaganda.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Relevance Questions on ACT English Strategies + Practice

Relevance Questions on ACT English Strategies + Practice SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips In high school, I had a history teacher who was known for going off on tangents- he would start giving us his lesson on the French Revolution butend up telling us all about the Peregrine falcon. These facts were interesting, but they were hardlyrelevantto the issue at hand (how Marie Antoinette got her head chopped off). Similarly,ACT English tests your ability to spot places where a passage veers off topic. Of course, it does so in it's own special way, which this post will cover! Here's what you'll need to understand to approach relevance questions with confidence: Whatrelevance means on the ACT English section How you can spot relevance questions How todecide whether information is relevant Key ACT strategies for relevance questions What is Relevance on the ACT? ACT English prizeswriting that is clear and concise, sothe passages shouldn’t includeany unnecessary information. Occasionally, questions will appear that test your ability to determine whether phrases or sentences are extraneous- these are relevance questions. Keep in mind that relevance questions arevery similar to redundancy questions, which are much more common. The two types of question operateon the same basic principle- cut anything you don't need- but relevance questions are aboutwhether information adds to the point of the paragraph, while redundancy questions are about whether a word or phrase is repeating something that's already been said. How to Spot Relevance Questions Relevance questions aren't formatted any differently from the majority of ACT English questions, so they can be a bit tricky to spot. However there are two main clues you should watch for:some of the answers have a lot more words than others and the answers provide information that doesn't appear elsewhere in the passage. Let's look at an example question from a real ACT: There's nothing obviously wrong with this sentence, so we need to look at how the answer choices are different from each other: they all add information about the Navajo. Given that the information provided by the three answer choices is basically the same but the phrasing is different, it would be easy to conclude that this is a wordiness question. However, we first need to determine whether the extra information is relevant. The additionalphrases in answers B, C, and D all describe the size of the Navajo- this information isn't given anywhere else, so it isn't redundant, but that doesn'tmean it's necessary. The size of the Navajo has nothing to do with theircreation of a linguistic code, which is what the paragraph is about. As such, this information is irrelevant and shouldn't be included. A is the correct answer. Now that we've established that relevance questions are ones in whichsome of the answers introduce new information, let's talk about how to decide whether the information is relevant. How to Determine Relevance The key to relevance questions is that you must not assume that more information is necessarily better. Though you may find providing as many details as possible a good strategy for your essays in school, doing soon the ACT English section will hurt your score. So how do you determine if a piece of information is relevant? There are two issues to consider: Is the info related to main topic of of the sentence or paragraph? Does the sentence or paragraph still make logical and grammatical sense without it? If the answer tothe first question is no, then don't even worry about the second one- the information isn't relevant and should be omitted. (This principleapplies tomost of the relevance questions on the ACT, including the example above.) Test items thatdo require youto considerthe second question are a bit more challenging. If a piece ofinformation seems like it might be relevant, consider whether it's necessary for your understanding of the passage. Does it clarify a previous point or introduce a key detail? If not, it probably isn't relevant. This concept may seem complicated, but it's actually not too bad. Let's look at anexample of relevantversusirrelevant information: Irrelevant: Leonardo da Vinci, who is played by Patrick Godfrey in the movieEver After, is the quintessential Renaissance man. Relevant:Leonardo da Vinci, a famous artist, inventor, and scientist, is the quintessential Renaissance man. The first underlined section adds information, but the actor who played da Vinci in a movie is not relatedto the fact he was a Renaissance man (someone who has great expertise across a variety of topics). The underlined portion of the second sentence, on the other hand, provides information that clarifies why da Vinci is a famous Renaissance man. An example of da Vinci's work. Let's work through this process onan ACT-style practice question: Julia wanted to move into her brother's room afterhe graduated from high school, but she wasn't able to because he ended up living at home for his first year of college. A. NO CHANGE B. because he ended up living at home. C. because he decided to major in biology. D. OMIT the underlined portion, ending the sentence with a period afterto. At fist glance, this question might appear to be a wordiness question, since choice B shortens the original underlined portion. However, if you look closely at the different answers you'll see that they each provide different information- this fact makes it a relevance question. Our next step is to summarizethe main idea of the sentence: Julia wanted to take her brother's room but couldn't because he was still living in it.We can eliminate choice C, since the brother's choice of major isclearly not relevant to this topic. The remainingchoices involve deciding how much of the information in the original version is relevant: all of it, the first half of it, or none of it. Let's start by deciding whether we should omit the whole underlined portion. What does this section of the sentence tell us? Why Julia can't have the room.The sentence would still make grammatical sense without this part, but it would be lacking a key piece of information, so we can eliminate D. Finally, we have to choose between A and B. The correct choice is A because the phrase "for his first year of college" connects back to the fact that Julia was planning on taking her brother's room after he finished high school and helps to explain why she wasn'table to do so. Most ACT English relevance questions will be much simpler than this one, but the process you use to answer them is the same. It's important to keep in mind that even though most of the time the extra information will be irrelevant and need to be cut out, it will sometimes be necessary, so you always have to read the informationcarefully and decide. Key ACT English Strategies for Relevance Now that we've covered in depth how to spot and approach relevance questions, let's quickly review the main strategies you will need on the test. #1: Watch for underlined sections where some of the answers include extra descriptive information. #2: Omit information that isn't related to the main idea of the sentence or paragraph. #3: Keepinformation that clarifies an important point or introduces a key detail. If you follow these basic rules, relevance questions will be a snap! Practice Your Skills! After all that discussion, it's time for you to try out some relevant ACT English practice. Post yourquestions in the comments! 1. Because owls rely on their wings to hunt, wing injuries aremajor issues for the birds, which are nocturnal. A. NO CHANGE B. the nocturnal birds. C. the birds. D. the birds, which hunt at night. 2. Emily, who'd never been on a roller coasterbefore, was frightened by the height of the ride. F. NO CHANGE G.who loved amusement parks H.a young woman J.OMIT the underlined potion 3. Holi is an Hindufestival duringwhich revelers throw colored dye into the air. Yom Kippur is the Jewish New Year. This practice, which results in participants skin and clothes being temporarily colored, has been adopted in the US for large parties and fun runs. A. NO CHANGE B.Another Hindu holiday is Diwali. C. Everyone has a lot of fun. D.OMIT the underlined portion. Answers: 1. C, 2. F, 3. D You made through that lesson! Onwards! (Image: Xiaojun Deng/Flickr) What's Next? Take a look at some of our other posts about rhetorical skills on ACT English: author intent questions and main goal questions. Make sure you understand the quirksof ACT English and have a solid approach for the passages. Check whether you need to study any grammar concepts with this handy guide to what's actually on the ACT English section. Practice makes perfect- test your skills on one of these free practice tests! Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this English lesson, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Your Rights and Responsibilities As a New U.S. Citizen

Your Rights and Responsibilities As a New U.S. Citizen Becoming an American citizen with all the freedoms and opportunities this nation has to offer is the dream of many immigrants. Those who are fortunate enough to be in a position to pursue naturalization gain the same rights and privileges of citizenship as natural born American citizens save one: naturalized U.S. citizens are not eligible for the Office of the President of the United States. With these new rights, citizenship also brings with is some important responsibilities. As a new U.S. citizen, it is your duty to you give back to your adopted nation by fulfilling these responsibilities. Rights of U.S. Citizens Vote in federal electionsServe on a juryBring family members to the United StatesObtain citizenship for children born abroadTravel with a U.S. passportRun for federal officeBecome eligible for federal grants and scholarship Responsibilities of U.S. Citizens Support and defend the ConstitutionServe the country when requiredParticipate in the democratic processRespect and obey federal, state, and local lawsRespect the rights, beliefs, and opinions of othersParticipate in your local community (Source: USCIS)

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Foundation of Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Foundation of Marketing - Essay Example The prospective markets for the household insurance products are also promising to the company. The company being the one that is specialized in auto insurance they have a very good market share and satisfied customers. Under internal audit concept, it is necessary to evaluate that whether PGI should have adequate resources for involving the new house hold insurance business. For the purpose of expanding the existing business, every business should require appropriate resources, like material, men, and money. Rather than these, effective marketing is also crucial. Market audit of the company throws light on the current market share of the company and the future opportunities for the company in the Market. Analysis of the case shows that PGI is the market leader in the Auto insurance sector. In 2006 the company had a total policy strength of 5, 66,000. And also the company had gained an annual growth rate of 6.2%. But even though the company has the best policy strength the growth rate of the company is lower when compared to its competitor. Blair Patterson has the highest growth rate which is 82.5% and Cherry Ash has a growth rate of 25% while the growth rate is only 6.2% for PGI. For the purpose of introducing house hold insurance, it is necessary for PGI to undertake various marketing strategies. Among them Porter's five force model is significant. supplier Power, rivalry, threat of substitutes, buyer power, barriers to entry. While introducing new house hold insurance by PGI, it is essential to concentrate about the competitors, substitute 's etc. Rather than this, it is also necessary to consider the macro environment factors like political, economic, social, technological, ecological and legal. Political Consist of legislation, regulation of transfer for capital and labour, and stability of political system. Economical consist of development of relevant economic indicators, business cycles, unemployment, and industry structures. Socio- Cultural consists of population and demographics and customer behaviour. Technological consist of life cycle phases of products and research and development expenses. Marketing Structure for Company Marketing is distinct in the Dictionary of modern English (1995:872) as the action to try to put up for sale a company's goods by advertising, by attractive packages. Consequently I can say advertising is a way companies sell their goods to the neighbourhood that needs them or customers. The following are a number of of the terms old in marketing covering, selling, advertising, endorsement of products and many additional, but these are the conditions I'm going to use a great deal on my essay. The paper will also be based on publicity, as it is fraction of advertising. According to the expert analysis advertising is merely an economic action that is used by advertisers for the reason of selling or hire customer's conscious of their military. To add on that I got a meaning of the word publicity from Dade (1989:1) and reads that "a paid statement future to provide information about a manufactured goods or service or to convince people to perform in a sure way." Some people too argued that